Wednesday, 3 April 2013

My GT Experience

Hi everyone!

This post will be on my GT experience some weeks ago!

We were split into groups of 4 each and I was glad to be grouped with 2 of more friends, plus Zech! As we were really worried for the presentation, my group met up a few times to rehearse together. Throughout our meeting, each of us would present to the other members and we would watch out for every details of the presenter and his/her content and slides. Detailed and critical comments were then given to the presenter. Personally, I feel that this is a good way to spot out any mistakes that we usually make, such as excessive hand gestures or lack of eye contact. However, very often when there are real audiences in the actual presentation, the situation is very different and I tend to make certain mistakes that I would not usually make, specifically, my pacing and spacing of words. 

When it came to the presentation day itself, I was really scared though we had several rehearsals together as a group. Overall I felt that my group did a fairly good job and we had great coordination! :D 

However, for my presentation, I committed the same mistake as I usually made whenever I get anxious. And this is something that I do not realise, my pacing and spacing of the words. Probably, I did not fully internalise my content and was just "dumping" the datas to the audience. Worst of all, my fast pacing of words were not understandable to the audience which honestly, was rather disappointing with myself. However, I was glad that my last slide helped me to summarise what I mentioned earlier even if the audience did not catch what I said earlier. 

Therefore, I really treasure the feedbacks received from my classmates and teacher because they pointed out my weakness and allow me to understand where my weaknesses are and how can i further improve. But overall, it was a good experience to the start of the bizcom presentation! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reflection, Hui Qi. I like the way that you so critically review what you did. That takes courage.

    You've certainly made huge strides since the GT. Your FOP was much improved! I hope all went well in the FIPD as well.
