I believe most of us have heard of or even played the game where we would pinch our friend's arm when we see a Indian man wearing a turban, obliging our friend to tell us what the color of the turban is before we stop pinching them. This little "game" may seem quite interesting and fun to some of us but as Chinese or any other races, we do not realized that this "game", passed on from few generations, may be offensive to the Indians.
So one day, this friend of mine, YC, was walking to the train station with his friends when he spotted an Indian man wearing a turban. Being mischievous, he immediately pinched one of his friend's arm and ask "what colour, tell me, quick!" Unfortunately, after his friend answered him, the Indian man walked towards YC and confronted him. "What game are you guys playing?! Don't think I don't know what are you all doing! Don't you know that this is very offensive to our religion? Why are you taking the colour of our turban as a joke?" the man said angrily. He was really offended by it. Stunned, my friend was shocked and apologized to the man. To think that this "game" have been passed down from so many generations; even the Indians themselves know about it. YC had never expected the Indians to know about it and even confronted him.
2 questions:
If you were YC, apart from apologizing, what would you have done when the man confronted you?
Would you still continuing playing this "game" when you already know that it is offensive to them?